"I think that the church is afraid of right brain people."
"You ask every five year old ‘how many of you sing?’… and they all raise their hands… We're all born artists, but then something happens..."
The above quotes are from a video my scribbling apprentice discovered months ago on a great visual liturgy website, called the work of the people. Check out the video here:
I started to cry when I first watched this because it was as if this man had spoken the words my heart had been crying out for years. I had a "YES! YES! someone else gets it, I am not alone" moment. Unfortunately these moments feel few and far between in my Christian walk. Sometimes I feel that I am speaking and feeling a foreign language which others around me just don’t understand. Even more strange and troubling is my experiences of feeling more at home as a creative Christian in the company of pagans than in the family of my Creator. Lately, I have been able to explain these feelings through an understanding of some very basic neuroscience!
The right hemisphere of the human brain is mainly responsible for intuition, creativity and metaphor. The left part of our brain deals generally with logic, words and reasoning. In general, artists rely more heavily on their right brain. I am aware that our brains are not split as simply as this and I am not trying to fight for one side of the brain to be used more than the other. For surely at our best we are employing all aspects of our brains for the glory of God. For instance, recent research has shown that abilities in subjects such as maths are strongest when both sides of the brain work together. That is exactly what I am longing for in church… both right brain and left brain functioning together to the glory of God. I am simplifying this for two reasons: 1. Because I don’t know all the science behind it. 2. I want to make a specific point about the relationship between Christianity and Creative expression.
Consider for a moment your experience of church, whether you are a believing member of the body of Christ or someone who on occasion darkens the door of church. Has your experience been made up of intuition, creativity and metaphor or has the church service been largely constructed through logic, words and reasoning?
“Nobody should be closer to the Creator than us... We ought to know the creator better than anybody... That ought to be the church’s claim to fame: We know the creator! What does the creator do? CREATE.”
You see the thing is, and this is where it gets tricky, I don’t think creativity is optional. The christian church should not be like the average irish primary school where art, PE, music and drama are done at most once a week, if we have time and all the other ‘more important’ subjects like maths and english have been properly covered. God forbid we might know how to paint and dance better than, or even as well as, we know how to read and multiply. I believe there are some who are reading this and struggling to agree with my argument. Surely it is more important in the world for a child to have skills which they can ‘put to good use?’
We say the same in churches. Surely God wants us to be serious children and knuckle down studiously and reverently under his Word through Bible preaching and teaching? I have no problem whatsoever with preaching and teaching from the Bible in church but I query the perceived need for it to be, by and large, carried out through left brain activities which are controlled and predictable. Predominantly, we use logic, reasoning and words to preach and teach despite the fact that Jesus employed the use of metaphor, intuition and creativity in his teaching and preaching.
Of course, if we have time, after the ‘serious’ work is done, we could maybe put on a little drama, sing a new song or play a short film? These are seen as more ‘creative’ acts and are not weighted with the same importance or centrality but are given a place in the introduction or appendices of church life rather than being at the heart of our Christian identity where they could be encouraged to seep into all aspects of our congregational teaching and worship.
“The Bible does not only give us permission to be creative but a mandate to be creative. If we are not being creative we are in fact disobeying God.”
- Ellis Potter
I want to emphasise here that there is immense creativity in preaching a sermon. I am married to a preacher who is also a gifted writer, painter, poet and storyteller and I see the glory of the Creator at work in him as he crafts and delivers his sermons week by week. Whatever anyone might say, I believe there is performance in preaching and I see that as a God-glorifying rather than egotistical use of the concept performance.
The thing is, we as Christians can be far too timid at not recognising and reclaiming what already belongs to God. On Friday afternoon, I spent hours in a dingy classroom in Maynooth learning about the seven chakras in my body. BEEP BEEP BEEP yes I hear it - the alarm resounds in the Christian readers’ mind and heart - NEW AGE HERESY ALERT… Pass judgement on me quickly and return to the safety of your left brain.
… or venture further?
God made my body and yours too. He tells me that He knit me together in my mother’s womb and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that my soul knows it full well (Psalm 139)
Let me try again without the phraseology which has new age connotations…
On Friday afternoon I experienced how God has created my body to hold and express emotions in different ways. As I focused on different parts of my body I realised how my body feels different things in different places and different parts of my body can represent different things to me as a human being made in the image of God. Through movement exercises I was able to understand and celebrate better my connection to the God who made me and saved me through the body of his son Jesus Christ and has now filled me with the Holy Spirit to live and work to His praise and glory.
Now, do you feel like I am just putting Christian language on a New Age phenomenon or do you see that it should be the other way around? Our bodies belong to God, whether we acknowledge Him as Lord over them or not. The Universe belongs to God, whether we acknowledge His Creation and Sustentation of it or not. What humans call something should not be the final word. Christians need to be reminding the world and its people that God was here first, that God owns truth whatever shape and form and phraseology humanity tries to skew it into to glorify their own egos or even just sell books or courses. That should not mean as Christians we need to throw out all things that smack of another religion or philosophy or just is not explicitly from the brand of Christian culture which we have been a part of all our lives.
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”
How does this relate to creativity and the right brain?
The thing is, sometimes I feel more free to express myself creatively in my secular dramatherapy training course than I do in my Christ-loving church. And that makes me sad. Then it makes me frustrated cos I think, “How come those who don’t even acknowledge God as their Creator are more buzzed about creative expression than those who say they know and serve their Creator?” If you serve a Creative God you have to be creative. It is not an extra-curricular activity, it is an an exam subject. It is central to your identity as a child of the living creator God.
I believe there is a biblical mandate to be creative. And I believe that mandate is not just for artists, musicians, Sunday school teachers or women. It is for preachers and pastors, engineers and brick-layers, farmers and mothers, accountants and consultants, film-makers and solicitors, pharmacists and therapists... it is for everyone and anyone who says they are made in the image of God, in the image of the Creator. It is not about our career choice but rather our commitment to our Creator. To be living as one made in the image of the one who creates you must know your own creativity is valid and needed in this Universe.
I take full responsibility for the sadness and frustration I feel. It is not anyone’s fault but it is something I want to change. It doesn’t feel right that I feel more freedom to express myself creatively in my dramatherapy course than I do in my church. The problem is I am afraid. I know that if I stepped out in church I risk the judgement of others. Sometimes it feels easier to just go with the norm. Don’t rock the boat Claire. Keep your creativity under wraps.
But then I hook up with the dramatherapists and my right brain screams HALLELUJAH! I experience an environment where people support and encourage me to express myself and my relationship to God and to others through every way possible. I dance and I move, I sing and I improvise, I feel and I speak
Except there is a missing link. I love my fellow trainee dramatherapists and I love their freedom and zest for creative expression and their belief in its innate presence in all people. But most of them don’t attribute their creativity to God the Creator. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ and I love sharing in their joy in knowing Jesus and experiencing their sacrificial love for me and others. But most of them don’t see or express themselves as creative beings.
So I come away wondering “Why can’t the two go together?”
Then I realise God is bringing the two together in me. And so I get scared again cos I don’t want to be the one they all look at, the one who says in dramatherapy : “Jesus is Lord of all Creativity!” Or the one who says in church “God is creator so let us be more creative in our expression!”
2nd Samuel Chapter 6 verse 16 says this: "As the ark of the LORD was entering the City of David, Michal daughter of Saul watched from a window. And when she saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, she despised him in her heart."
When David comes home Michal calls him a “vulgar fellow” but David says “I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.”
I admit that I fear humiliation if I was to act the same way in church as I do in the experiential workshops on my dramatherapy course. This creates a tension and a disconnection in my life at the moment which I am seeking to resolve. Unfortunately churches can unwittingly have the same attitude to creative expression as Michal had towards David’s ‘undignified’ dancing. The likes of leaping and dancing should be left to the charismatics (too often have I heard that word used in a derogatory way) while we get on with the business of being 'serious' about God. Was David not being serious about God when he physically embodied and expressed his praise for God? Where is the place in church for physical embodiment and expression? For original creative expression in service to God and others?
The problem, as identified in the video, is that right brain activity involves unpredictability… “anything can happen!” That is how the world began, God the Creator spoke and things happened; light, sound, action, breath...
God created man and woman in his image. God invited man and woman to get creative with Him. Come into the garden, name the animals, work the land, eat the fruit…
Then things got messy.
Creating can be a messy business. Ask the Mum who decided to spend the morning finger painting with her child or the Dad who makes pizza from scratch with his kids. But God didn’t stop us. God asked us to create from the get go. Creativity doesn’t mean replication or imitation. Creativity is bringing something new into being. God asked Adam to name the animals, inviting a subjective point of view within an objective Creation that God has made.
The fact of the matter is that Church ought to be the most creative place in culture. We should be birthing artists of all sorts like there is no tomorrow. I feel whole-heartedly that there is eternal significance in painting and pottery as well as pastoring and preaching. I feel this not because of who I feel I am but because of who God tells me He is. We love because God first loved us and likewise we express ourselves creatively because God first expressed himself creatively.
“Christ entered our world, the Creator translating heavenly existence to earthly... all art forms attempt to translate what is unseen into what is seen.”
- Makoto Fujimura
For those of us who are treading carefully and collecting courage on this journey to be pioneers of creative freedom in Christianity, I put my voice out there in the hope that the tears of encouragement I shed upon hearing and seeing the video above, will be yours too as you realise you are not alone.
In closing I share the words of another voice who encouraged me to believe in God the Creator, Calvin Seerveld says: “Your redemptive task as artist is not to convert people or to be apologetic about following Jesus Christ. A Christian artist simply needs to give away your imaginative insights to whoever crosses your path, and the Holy Spirit will take it from there.”
Holy Spirit, please take it from here.